Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! I just had to do a post regarding this day after reading about it on one of my favorite fashion blogs, Wendy's Lookbook (click for more info and a story surrounding the festivities). This is an especially important day in Asian countries. It is the tradition there to wear red, the luckiest color to bring good fortune to the wearer throughout the year. Also, whatever you do on this day is said to set the tone for what you do for the year, so choose wisely! ;) To help inspire your use of red, I've curated a collection of the ladies in their brightest, boldest, luckiest shades. You may not want to wear a formal gown, like Maryse (but then again, maybe you do! Why not be wild and have some fun?! ;)), but what about a pencil skirt a la Stephanie, a scarlet bodysuit inspired by Gail, a peplum dress like Alicia, a red plaid button-down like Summer or going full Brie Mode and doing a red tee? You can always top your look with a red jacket; fearless Nikki would certainly approve! All it takes is a touch of red to bring you luck, so if you're short on the color, don't forget about crimson shoes, a red hair elastic or burgundy thermals (sadly, my actual choice at the moment because I'm heading outside to do some distinctly non-fashion-related work that simply will not brook a formal flaming red gown. Bummer.) Here to getting your red on and lots of luck and wonderful things coming your way for 2017!
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AuthorBrie: shoe-lover :) fashion-lover and generally glamorous semi-dork Archives
July 2019
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